Moving In and Spending Time Alone

I got the keys to the apartment on Friday after work and moved all my stuff ("all" meaning three suitcases) in.  While it was only three suitcases, it was up three flights up stairs.  I was a completely exhausted, sweaty mess. I had done a Target run the other day to get linens for the bed.  What I didn't realize is that there were no towels in the house either.  Chalk it up to jet lag.  Then I realized I had no shampoo either.  I ended up taking a shower and washing my hair with a bar of soap and using t-shirts for towels.  I didn't care, I was just too tired to contemplate going out again.  I was asleep by 7 pm.  Of course, I woke at 3 am.  The nice thing about that is I can talk to Penny.  The bad thing is it's 3 am!

So Saturday morning I got up, made coffee and realized I had no toilet paper either.  Don't ask how I managed and I won't have to tell you lies.  A Costco run was imperative.  So, at opening, I was there and shopping.  Toilet paper, paper towels, towels, face cloths, mop, rice, air tight containers, reusable bags (no plastic bags on the islands) and a few other necessities.  I didn't get much food because right now it's just me and I am not hungry much.  Got back to the apartment and was unwillingly contemplating hauling all of this stuff up the three flights of stairs when the building manager came down and introduced herself.  She told me about the ELEVATOR!!!  There's an ELEVATOR!  Around the other side of the building, up by the mailboxes, there's an elevator and two old grocery carts.  Park, unload stuff into grocery carts, zip into elevator, and roll cart into apartment.  That knowledge has changed my life!  Hauled everything into the apartment and unpacked, finding places for everything.  

Next adventure was FOOD.  I needed groceries.  I'd been living on crackers, pepperoni, and cheese for nearly a week.  Real food was a must.  So I headed to the Safeway (yes, they still exist!) and bought a few groceries.  Mostly veggies that I will eat on until Jai gets here and then I'll have to buy real food.  I wish now I had bought some chocolate.  I'm jonesing for some right now.

Sunday I didn't do much and that's when I was hit with a case of the lonelies.  I can't tell you the last time I've been lonely.  I am always busy.  I have work, a marriage, a child, a house, three dogs, art classes, and friends (please note that I do NOT rank them in that order of estimation!), all of which combine to  keep me hustling. Down time is a luxury.  But now, I have none of that.  I am alone in this clean apartment.   I did all the work I could leading up to my job.  My wife and daughter are back in Virginia, with my dogs.  I barely know a soul here.  I certainly don't have any friends.  I have met several of my colleagues but these new work relationships aren't to the point where I can just call them up and go hang out.  Besides, the majority have spouses and kids.  The ones that don't are in their early 20s.    The things on my "to do" list that keep me hopping during the week cannot be done on weekends.  So, I gave myself permission to not do anything.  Not recreational, not productive.  Just kind of hung out by myself.  I don't think I can do a steady diet of that, but occasionally it's good for the soul.  At least it makes me appreciate my wife more!
