Moving In and Spending Time Alone
I got the keys to the apartment on Friday after work and moved all my stuff ("all" meaning three suitcases) in. While it was only three suitcases, it was up three flights up stairs. I was a completely exhausted, sweaty mess. I had done a Target run the other day to get linens for the bed. What I didn't realize is that there were no towels in the house either. Chalk it up to jet lag. Then I realized I had no shampoo either. I ended up taking a shower and washing my hair with a bar of soap and using t-shirts for towels. I didn't care, I was just too tired to contemplate going out again. I was asleep by 7 pm. Of course, I woke at 3 am. The nice thing about that is I can talk to Penny. The bad thing is it's 3 am! So Saturday morning I got up, made coffee and realized I had no toilet paper either. Don't ask how I managed and I won't have to tell you lies. A Costco run was imperative. So, at opening, I was...